10514 Ehren Cutoff
Land O Lakes Fl 34639
Venue Phone Number: (813) 929-6200
8am to 1pm
Supporting the Skeets and Geeks Clay Shoot Fundraiser is a meaningful way to give back to the Armed Forces and Veteran community. The Stano Foundation will use money raised to assist our actively deployed troops by providing them a piece of home via care packages. They will also be able to assist our local Veterans transitioning out of homelessness via their partnership with The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 248. Please help us help our heroes! You will get great corporate recognition as all person and companies making contributions will be acknowledged on all available media and promotional spaces as listed below. Thank you for your support!

Individual – $150
Team (Foursome) – $500
Breakfast & Lunch Provided
Proceeds Benefit

Title Sponsor
- 2 Foursomes in clay shoot
- Opportunity for one organization to add their company name as the “Presenting Sponsor”
- Recognition on all promotional material and website
- Opportunity to welcome shooters and hand out company‐related brochures or giveaways
- Speaking opportunity to promote your company
- Two professionally constructed hole signs with your company name & logo
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Ammo Sponsor
- 1 Foursome in clay shoot
- Recognition on all promotional materials and website
- Opportunity to welcome shooters and hand out company‐related brochures or giveaways
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Active Military Team Sponsor
- Donation so four Active Military can shoot in the tournament
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Lunch Sponsor
- 1 Foursome in clay shoot
- Signage next to lunch table and on all tables
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Breakfast Sponsor
- Signage on all breakfast tables
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Drink Tent Sponsor
- Recognition on all promotional material and website
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Golf Cart Sponsor
- 1 Foursome in clay shoot
- Recognition on all promotional material and website
- Opportunity to welcome shooters and hand out company‐related brochures or giveaways
- Speaking opportunity to promote your company at the awards ceremony
- Custom day of the event golf cart sign on all shooter’s carts and score card
- Company promotional item(s) in shooter goody bag
Red White & Blue Sponsor
- 1 Foursome in clay shoot
- Recognition on all promotional material and website
- Opportunity to hand out company‐ related brochures or giveaways
- One foursome team
- Option of providing promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Veteran Team Sponsor
- Donation so four Veterans can shoot in the tournament
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
First Responder Team Sponsor
- Donation so four First Responders can shoot in the tournament
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company
Station Sign Sponsor
- Professionally constructed hole signs with your company name
- Company promotional item(s) in shooters goody bag
- Social media promotion of company